October, come with clear sky and fresh air in Autumn, bright sunshine and fields of flower blossoms, is brimming with joy from harvest.  Qiwen  is also bustling and filled with laughter in such a vibrant season. Auditors from CQC Shanghai Center, accompanied by leaders of the Company, performed an on-site ISO9001:2008 quality management system audit in qiwen. The manufacturing process, quality management, document control, marketing and on-site experiments of qiwen were carefully audited by the audit team. The effective and sustainable maintenance and improvement of our quality management system operation were well recognized by auditors who spoke highly of our overall system operation, and we finally passed the audit with one nonconformity only. This audit built up our confidence for future development and allowed us to identify what can be improved. Qiwen  will sustain the effective combination of quality management system and practices, and keep building up our capacities by continuous improvement. 

Post time: Sep-27-2020